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Q: So how are you different from all the other universal health care movements?

"So how are you different from all the other universal health care movements?" This was the question posed by my colleague and friend as we researched the dozens of companies and groups who have proposed health care reform plans. Here's a list of how P.S.Y.C.H. is different:

1. Nationwide reach

I fully believe that even if a state managed to pull off a universal access system, it would ultimately fail because it's surrounded by states without it. America has this interesting relationship between the state and the federal government that other countries don't. It's one of the reasons why a European model won't work here. In order for P.S.Y.C.H. to be successful, it has to be implemented nationwide simultaneously. Luckily, P.S.Y.C.H. offers logistics on how each state can set up their board and their plan.

2. Administratively simple I loathe pomp and circumstance; it's one of the reasons why I don't go to organized medicine conferences anymore. Titles, prestige, who knows who, who's doing what – it's all a bit overwhelming and I'd much rather stay home and read my comic books. P.S.Y.C.H. is an idea – not a company or an entity. We don't employ anyone, and we don't put on conferences. Our goal is to get people talking about an actual viable plan that we could implement gradually and make a huge difference in health care delivery.

3. Directly promotes personal responsibility

There are lots of really good health care reform ideas out there, but almost none of them put an impetus back on the actual citizen themselves to become and stay healthy. P.S.Y.C.H. does this easily by using basic American ideals: if you break it, you buy it. If you don't break it, you can keep that money in your pocket. Easy peasy.

4. It's NOT insurance

Insurance is basically gambling with yourself that something might not happen. But we can say with 100 percent certainty that every single American will access health care. So in other words, health insurance is unnecessary when the gamble ultimately results in your losing 100 percent of the time because you will get sick at some point. The equivalent is buying food insurance. We all have to eat food so why not just pay a fair price for it and move on. Expanding Medicare or offering universal insurance plans doesn't make economic sense.

5. Directly promotes civic responsibility

P.S.Y.C.H. is small-scale democracy in action. Instead of the federal government issuing edicts that are out of touch with your local health situation, P.S.Y.C.H. promotes state accountability and encourages you to vote yearly since the result directly affects you and your community.

6. No personal conflict of interest

I like my job. I want to be able to come in, see patients, document, submit the charges, get paid, and go home. If P.S.Y.C.H. isn't implemented, I've built a practice where I can continue to do this every day. So for me, this is an exercise in social education and empowerment rather than gaining money to pay my bills.

7. Lets government do government things

Every plan that includes Medicare or Medicaid involves the government. While government is great with safety, security, infrastructure and other functions, it should not have much of a say when it comes to medical decision-making between a provider and a patient. P.S.Y.C.H. creates a system by the people, for the people, and accountable to the people. Board members will be carefully vetted and elected. They can be recalled or terminated if they aren't fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to the citizenry. No plan other than P.S.Y.C.H. does this.

8. It's a plan that everyone can get behind

Conservatives get their personal responsibility. Liberals get their safety net. Progressives get their flexibility in governance. The rich and poor alike get equal access to quality local health care. The young and the elderly get much-needed support. The military can get the help they need now without unnecessary bureaucracy. Undocumented immigrants get access to quality local health care. Students can skip pricey, unhelpful insurance policies. Employers save money on taxes and employee benefits. Employees get job flexibility and the ability to migrate when they want to follow their dreams.

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